Chesapeake Panfish book
UPDATE 10/7/2018: Books have arrived and we are now shipping!
Good news! My new book is now available for pre-order. You can select either a limited edition hard cover or a first edition soft cover by clicking on the book pictures on the right side of this page. We expect books to arrive anytime and we will begin shipping as soon as we get them. All pre-ordered books are guaranteed to arrive before the official release date of October 15, 2018. After October 15, books will also be available in tackle shops in both Maryland and Virginia, at, and at other online outlets such as Both the hard cover and soft cover contains 340 pages of which 43 are printed in color. There are over 100 photos and illustrations. Soft covers are $24.95 + shipping and hard covers are $39.95.
From the back cover:
Whether you fish from a boat, kayak, or the bank, there is nothing more fun than catching panfish in the Chesapeake Bay. Digging deep into his bag of panfishing tricks, lifelong angler Shawn Kimbro lays out the best year-round strategies for catching perch, crappie, bluegill, shad, and other species in the tidal waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Featuring the locations of prime fishing spots in Maryland and Virginia along with the history of some of the region’s most popular lures, you’ll find details about the best baits, rigs, lines, rods, reels, and other tackle. Enhanced with entertaining fish tales and illustrated by Eva Nichols’ artful sketches, this book is perfect for both beginning anglers and seasoned panfish pros.
I’m super excited about this new release and very happy to have the opportunity to share my knowledge and research with you my friends and fellow anglers. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it. I look forward to seeing you on the creeks and rivers this fall and winter!
I’m happy to announce that we are on schedule for a September release of my new book, How To Catch Chesapeake Bay Panfish. I’ve been writing for this project for a couple of years and I’ve been researching it my entire life. It has been great fun lining out tips and tricks and sharing information including lots of original fishing stories. It’s a book I’ve always wanted to write. I’ll tell you more about it as we get closer to the release date, but for now, I want to share some recent material from my social media pages.
The second week of June is Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week. It’s a time for those of us who live in the Chesapeake Watershed to reflect on all the connections we have to the Bay and think about how it affects our everyday lives. This year, the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has participated in a series of social media releases highlighting individual regions and river systems. I thought it might be fun to share those posts on Facebook and add some snippets of my own as they relate to fishing. All of my observations are condensed from the pages of my upcoming book and I’ll have much more to say about each one. Click on the thumbnails if you want to enlarge the posts and read the captions. If you have something to add and want to participate in the discussion, join me on my Facebook page. Stay tuned for more details about my book along with an announcement about some upcoming events we have planned that we hope will help bring together sportsmen and women from all around the Watershed to work toward better fishing. Let’s fish!