striped bass
On December 6, I will unofficially release my book, Chesapeake Light Tackle – A Introduction to Light Tackle Fishing on the Chesapeake Bay. I’m very excited. The challenge, of course, will be selling it. Since many brick and mortar bookstores are closing, and big national chains like Borders are going under, you may be wondering why in the world anyone would want to put words down on real paper pages. I’ve been asking myself that question, especially since it’s a whole lot easier to relay my fishing stories and technique tips via this website. When you think about it, the medium doesn’t really matter too much as long as the information is up-to-date and reliable. So, why a book?
There’s just something about a printed paper book that I like. Even after the invention of electronic books, I still buy the paper kind, especially for non-fiction. I can make notes, underline, highlight, mark my place, and carry a paper book with me anywhere I go. I’m also a collector. I think most fishermen are. We like to gather fishing lures, rods, reels, electronic equipment, magazines, and especially books. I don’t know of a single serious fisherman who doesn’t have a few fishing books and magazines around the house. I like paper books. Read More!
So far, it’s been a disappointing fall for Chesapeake Bay striper fishing. There are a few fish to be caught, but it usually takes a lot of time and fuel dollars to find them. I spent a few minutes last night going over my logs from the past four years. This November’s fishing has been the poorest I’ve seen since I started fishing the Chesapeake. I think there are several reasons, first and foremost is lack of bait. We already know that menhaden have been over-harvested to the point where they are only a small fraction of what they should be, and we know that striped bass populations are down, but I think our biggest problem this fall is fresh water.
Last week, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources reported big problems with Upper Bay oysters. As part of a Bay-wide survey, biologists collected samples from 15 individual oyster bars north of the Bay Bridge. In the four northernmost bars along the Eastern Shore, oysters suffered a cumulative mortality of 79 percent, with no live oysters on the two northernmost bars. The few live oysters that were found in upper Bay bars were in poor condition — bloated, watery and translucent — and mortalities may continue for some time. Biologists believe the high mortality was caused by the lack of salinity in the upper Bay from March through July, 2011. During that period many modern day records were broken for high flow and low salinity. Read More!
No, this isn’t an entry about breakfast cereal. It’s about skinny-water fishing on the Chesapeake Bay where conditions are perfect for the snap, crackle, and pop of topwater lures. That’s the good news. The bad news is that muddy water has all but eliminated fishing in the main stem of the Bay. The tributary rivers are clearing, but water in the main channel remains deeply stained. Satellite photos show a sediment plume stretching all the way down to the mouth of the Patuxent River. It’s too trashy to troll, too muddy to catch bait, and too dirty to bottom fish. Thank goodness for the versatility of light tackle! While many anglers are sitting on their hands lamenting the impossible conditions, light tackle fishermen are enjoying a banner fall. Since the shallow-water bite is tasty, I thought it might be interesting to look at three basics premises of topwater casting – let’s call ’em snap, crackle, and pop. Read More!
Kent Island is currently under a state of emergency and a mandatory evacuation order. We have decided to ride out the storm since the house we live in – one of the oldest on the island – has survived its share of tropical weather. Most of our neighbors are also staying. I thought it might be interesting to pass along what we’re experiencing here on Kent Island as Hurricane Irene passes through. Reload this page frequently, as I will be posting regular updates along with pictures and video. Some storm trackers predict we are directly in the path of the storm, but most have it passing east of us, just slightly off the Coast of the Delmarva Peninsula. I’m hoping for the easterly path, but we are taking the warnings seriously. This is a fishing website, so most of my observations will be about the hurricane’s impact on the Chesapeake Bay. We don’t live right on the water anymore (thankfully), but we are less than a hundred yards from the closest tidal stream.
The Calm Before The Storm
I fished last night and tonight. Every fisherman has heard about how good fishing can be before a storm. Since Hurricane Irene is predicted to be the worst storm in decades, I was hoping for lots of big fish. That didn’t happen. Oh, we caught plenty of fish, but they weren’t the big ol’ good ‘uns I was hoping for. Last night, Rich and I launched out of Matapeake and found breaking bluefish right out in front of the ramp. Finding no Spanish mackerel or rockfish of any side, we ran south. I guess we passed a half-dozen pods of breaking fish on the way, but all the fish were small. I eventually spotted some bigger birds sitting over a drop-off, so we motored over to take a look. There were no fish feeding on the surface, but the fish finder lit up so we started casting jigs. Read More!
There aren’t many critters in Chesapeake country that are hated as much as cownose rays. Mention them around Bay fishermen and you’re sure to hear a few four-letter words. It’s probably because they steal a lot of lures. Some rays are so big and strong that many anglers simply cut their lines instead of trying to land them to get their equipment back. Then, there’s the knowledge that one painful slap from a ray’s long spiny tail can put you in the hospital, or that some people believe they can devastate a shellfish bar overnight with their powerful crushing jaws.
Yeah, most people hate them. So, it might seem a little odd that some organizations have started promoting them as a food source. In fact, the Virginia Marine Products Board is working hard to develop a commercial market for Chesapeake ray meat. From what I hear, it’s catching on. A grocery store in Hunt Valley, Maryland recently cooked some in the aisle and gave away free samples. They sold all they had on hand. When it comes to culinary trends, I’m somewhat adventurous, and since I generally like seafood and didn’t grow up with prejudices against rays, I’ve been thinking about bringing one home to see what all the fuss is about. My buddy Rich hooked a twenty-pounder just before dark last Wednesday evening, and fought it to the edge of the boat. Here’s how things turned out.
It’s summer and you live in the land of pleasant living. I hope you’re enjoying it. If your idea of fun is sitting in the hot sun, live-lining, soaking bait, or trolling, this entry isn’t for you. But if you like blasting through the spray on a fast boat, swerving around hairpin turns, and stopping on a dime to cast top-water plugs & jigs toward screaming birds over frenzied fish, you’re in the right place to enjoy some of the most exciting action the Bay has to offer. On an average summer day, a knowledgeable light tackle angler will catch more fish by accident than most bait fishermen can catch on purpose in a year. It’s time for running and gunning beneath working birds on the Chesapeake Bay. Summer breakers are here, and it’s your mission to find them. In an earlier segment, I wrote about how important it is to stay as close as possible to hard bottoms when looking for open-water summer fish. In this entry, I’ll say a little about looking for breakers including some strategies for fishing beneath working birds. I’ll also mention some individual species and cover what they might tell us about the fish. Read More!