oyster bars
Fall is coming fast to the Chesapeake region bringing changing patterns in fish behavior. This is the time when resident Bay rockfish move shallow and start feeding heavily in order to put on winter weight. While there are still active fish in the open waters over the oyster bars and around the mid-Bay islands, the real fun is close in to the shore; so close in fact that you really don’t need a boat. A kayak or even waders are more appropriate this time of year, the only challenge being access to the best fishing spots. It’s tough to get most center console style fishing boats in tight enough to shore. Many light tackle anglers compromise by going with a bay style boat. That’s a good idea, but since I also fish the big water in the worst of the winter, I prefer a larger ride with a steeper deadrise. Due to the savvy design skills of Eastern Shore boat builder Bill Judge, I feel like I have the best of both worlds. Thunder Road, my 2010 Judge 27 CC only draws about 16 inches. I’ve put all 16 to use and then some over the past couple of weeks while working the grass beds of Talbot and Dorchester counties. Check out the video below and you’ll see what I mean. Read More!